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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Prince Rudolph, The Junior, Now An Aspirant of Holy Cross Brothers

Let it be God's Will

Prince Rudolph, My only son, the Gift Of God, choose himself to enter the Holy Cross Brothers aspirancy which I helped him all the way from the selection process to entering the Juniorate at Nagori, willingly. To me it might be the God's will for him and till date he earned the love of all through his behavior. 

Prince with his mother

Presently he appeared the H S C examination from Commerce group from renowned Notredamm College at Dhaka and hope, he will do his best by the grace of God. Let it be God's will and He shows the light of the road.

Prince with his pet, a kitten

Within few days his practical exam will be over and then he will be heading to his Guru, Brother Raton Patrick Gomes at Barisal for his vow.

I bless him a successful life, filled with the divine touch of God, The Almighty.